In Bhutan, hot springs are known as Tshachus and are found all over the Kingdom. The medicinal properties of these hot springs have been used by the Bhutanese people for centuries to cure various ailments ranging from arthritis to body aches and even sinuses.  It is a popular tradition among Bhutanese to visit hot springs during the winter months.
The hot springs at Gasa in Western Bhutan are situated close to the banks of the Mo Chu River. This is one of the most popular springs in the country and are frequented not only with tourists but with local people as well.
To get to the Gasa Hot Spring visitors have option to travel by a car and trek from village of Damji were it is a beautiful six hour trek to Gasa through gorgeous hills covered in verdant forests of pine and oak..
The route also takes you through small villages, bamboo forests and across sparkling mountain streams. Along the way, trekkers will cross a mountain pass from which there is an absolutely stunning view of Gasa Dzong(fortress) seated below majestic snow covered mountains.
There are three bath houses at the Gasa Tshachu. One of the bath houses contains a large bathing pool and the remaining two each have two smaller pools. The water temperature varies in each of the pool so visitors can choose the one that they like best. Bathing facilities have also been provided to ensure that the Hot Springs remain clean and hygienic.
There is also an outdoor pool close to the facilities that are frequently used by both domestic and wild animals such as Takins.
Another well known hot spring is the Chubu Tshachu in Punakha. This hot spring is located by the banks of the Pho Chu River and is within a day’s journey from Punakha town.
Dur Tshachu is located in Central Bhutan in Bumthang Dzongkhag. Situated in the village of Dur, this Hot Spring is renowned for its medicinal value and is known to cure body aches.
Then we have the Duenmang Tshachu, situated by the banks of Mangde Chu River. This Hot Spring is especially popular amongst the Khengpa (indeginous ethinic group of Bhutan) population who frequent it regularly.
In Southern Bhutan, we have the Gelephu Tshachu situated yet again next to a stream. This Hot Spring is mainly frequented by the local residents but in winter people from all over Bhutan journey here to cure themselves of diseases. Visitors can also try out the ancient Bhutanese tradition of ‘Menchu’ or Hot Stone Baths. In this method water is heated by submerging red-hot stones into the bath and then used it to bathe and soak. This is a popular curative method that is used throughout the country.